As such, before you even leave your hideout you're going to have to ask yourself: do I need armor piercing rounds or will normal bullets be enough, will I require a drone in order to scout a wide-open area or am I going to spend most of my time indoors, am I planning to pack some grenades in case things go loud or will I just wing it, and the list goes on. While some people might consider this annoying, I genuinely love games that require you to prepare before a big mission. In the beta I pretty much had infinite money so none of this really mattered, but the amount of cash I got through the missions themselves was by no means enough to support a wasteful playstyle. Not only does it give you the ability to purchase and customize weapons, but it also requires you to spend some of your hard-earned money on ammo and gadgets you will need in order to make missions actually possible. Once I got through the fairly boring tutorial I instantly realized that Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is going to be a game after my own heart. I hope you like suicide missions, because you're going to be infiltrating places like this Naturally, since this is a beta we're talking about, its highly likely that some of the bugs and issues will be fixed by the time Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 launches, so do keep that in mind as we move forward. I've recently had the chance to play the beta which contained two missions and a small chunk of the open-world, so if you're wondering whether Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is even worth your attention, allow me to give you my thoughts on the gameplay shown so far. Its going to be up to you to decide how you'll complete each mission, whether this be through pure stealth, over-the-top aggression, a couple dozen well-placed sniper shots, or some sort of combination of those. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is an upcoming open-world tactical shooter with a heavy focus on player choice. : My review of the full version is now available.